Tuesday, January 11, 2005

God backs Bush business proposals, televangelist claims

Television evangelist Pat Robertson says God has told him Bush will succeed with his Social Security program and that a stock market boom is on the way, according to a report in today's EthicsDaily.com.

On the Jan. 3 broadcast of Christian Broadcasting Network’s “The 700 Club,” Robertson made predictions he said were based on what God told him during a recent prayer retreat. His forecast includes a second term of “triumph” for President Bush, whom Robertson predicted will get Social Security and tax reform passed and will put conservative judges on federal courts.

Robertson sees the tsunami as an opportunity for evangelism, too.
Robertson said the tsunami tragedy in South Asia was “a warning to the world about how fragile life is” but does not—as some have suggested—signal the imminent end of the world. “Now the earth knows my love and my mercy,” Robertson said God told him. “The time will come when it will experience my wrath. That time is not yet. Multitudes are ready to come into my kingdom. Revival will break out throughout the Muslim world, my truth will penetrate their hearts. The hold of that falsehood that has gripped them will be broken.”


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